Role: Coordinate selling of memberships and maintain an accurate membership list. Voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Attend monthly Board meetings.
- Type and maintain an accurate and up-to-date membership list, which will be kept on the office computer. Provide membership lists for program registrations.
- Coordinate, organize, and oversee the annual August Membership Drive, which includes:
- Attend all indoor and outdoor program registrations to sell memberships to individuals participating in programs.
- Prepare reconciliation for each Drive and registration and turn it in to the Treasurer.
- Maintain a confidential list of volunteers (Volunteer Registry) in the Membership Binder. Update it at least once a month.
- Encourage and oversee that Board members provide the Membership Coordinator with an up-to-date list of their volunteers and any changes.
- Provide a computerized list of volunteers to Board members as requested.
- Watch for and encourage new individuals to volunteer for the Community Association.
Time Commitment: Light to Moderate
- Monthly Executive meetings
- Ensure the Membership Drive is a positive public relations event
- Administration, Coordination, Computer Skills, Organization skills